Saturday, December 29, 2007

What is this blog?

There are many Gluten Free bloggers out there and personally, I think we could use more. Hopefully this blog will serve the purpose to find each other. Once we find each other, people will be able to find us better.

There are many new Celiacs. I keep reading comments like "I found your blog" or "Thank you so much, your blog helped me". It's hard to find what your looking for with so many choices on the internet.

This can be a one stop shop for new celiacs then they can pick and choose where to go next.

This blog will not contain recipes or helpful information. Only links to each other.

If you want to be added on this site please send me a message and I will add you.
Anything that has to do with Celiac disease will be here.


Happy Blogging

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